Goodbye PrettyAF? Season 2 Finale, Overwhelm, Intentionality, Life Update, Shoutouts

#75 - In this raw episode, Azalee says her momentary farewell to The PrettyAF Podcast.
Azalee talks about how more isn’t always better. More purposeful content is more impactful than tons of surface content. She felt like she lost sight of her original mission, and plans on being more intentional with the things she is doing.
She became overwhelmed with her life and business. In a positive light, her agency and coaching business is growing, but with that comes growing pains. The things that brought her joy in the past no longer were bringing her joy.
It’s time for her to take a break and focus on her agency, coaching, and creating more purposeful content.
Season 3 will be launching in 2022. In the meantime, connect with Azalee on Instagram or join her email list by grabbing one of her freebies on her website at
Apply to be a guest on Season 3 of The PrettyAF Podcast here.
Find all past episodes on The PrettyAF blog.
People Azalee knew in her personal life, who she learned more about on the show:
10 - The Creativity Journey - Quitting Your Day Job + Following Your Dreams, Without the Hustle
40 - Khloe Churko - Managing Multiple Successful Businesses, Bookkeeping, and Prioritizing
18 - Tammy Coffin - Happiness, Side Hustles and Motherly Advice
48 - Keirra Coffin - Prenatal Massage, Preventing Injury and Tips for Partner Massage
24 - Dr. Alli Morelli - Adjusting Your Back and Business in a Logical Way
16 - Lauren Larsen - Clear Boundaries and Clean Beauty
70 - Dr. Justina - Confidence Coach, 5 Ways to Gain Confidence Immediately
Taylor Scott:
People Azalee has met through the podcast:
4 - Stronger with Ali Coaching - Mentorship, Reverse Dieting, Eat Pizza and Lose Weight
26 - Chandler J. Law - How To Create An Unshakable Business Foundation: From A Lawyers Perspective
20 - Khrystle Rea - Healing With Reiki, Finding Self Awareness & Balancing Multiple Passions At Once
32 - Jessica Ludlow - How To Start, Run, And Scale An Online Business + What You Need On Your Instagram Highlights
28 - Ati Grinspun Lifestyle - Branding Yourself And Your Company Through Photography
42 - The Momprenuer Collective - Creating A Community + Finding Your Why
68 - Ashleigh Chanel - 10K Months, Getting Started with Ads, Quitting Your 9-5
46 - The Cupcake Girls - Inspiring Other to Share Your Vision, Starting A Nonprofit, Fundraising $1.5 million, + Having an Abundant Mindset
64 - Espresso Podcast Production - How A Podcast Will Benefit Your Business, Hayleigh Hayhurst - My Podcast Manager
Connect with Azalee:
Learn more about Azalee’s digital marketing agency, The Babble Boutique here.
Learn more and apply to The BAB Method Group Coaching Program here.
The PrettyAF Community (The Facebook Group)
Apply for a 1:1 Brand + Business Coaching Spot with Azalee Maslow
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