How to Get Long Healthy Hair

I used to struggle SO MUCH with getting my hair to grow. I researched and YouTubed ways to make my hair grow without looking straggly...most of the suggestions didn’t work at all. But, I (finally) found a few things that actually helped my hair grow (pretty fast) and stay healthy!
Products to make your hair grow FAST:
I’ve found 2 products that have significantly increased my hair growth and thickness.
I took these products at separate times and for a set amount of time. I don’t really like taking anything for too long or I think eventually your body will get used to it and it won’t work as well.
It Works! Hair Skin Nails
These are pills and I took them for 3 months straight. This is when my hair finally grew and became much thicker.
Grab It Works! Hair Skin Nails here!
Marine Collagen
I took this for several months after I took the pills mentioned above. Collagen has a ton of benefits (besides hair growth) so I wasn’t specifically taking them to grow my hair but it definitely grew a lot more than normal while taking it. I took it for 2 months straight and am currently taking it again. I mix it in with my smoothies!
Let me know in the comments if you’re interested in hearing my smoothie recipe for weight loss!
How to KEEP Your Hair Long and Healthy
Prior to taking It Works! Hair Skin Nails and Marine Collagen my hair literally always stayed the same length. And obviously it had to be growing some so it must have been breaking off. So in growing my hair, I also wanted to keep it healthy so it would stop breaking off.
Here’s what I did:
I stopped dying my hair
I used to be platinum blonde and although that’s literally my fav hair color hair would not stop breaking off. SO I had my hair color changed to ombre so that as it grew out, it still looked cute and I didn’t have to dye it every 4-6 weeks. Now I just add a little more blonde in it every 4-6 months. I get a trim at that time too.
I stopped over-washing my hair
Dry shampoo and I have become best friends.
Grab my favorite dry shampoo here!
I only wash my hair 1-2 times per week and in between, I use dry shampoo. I don’t know this for sure but I think that the less you do to your hair the healthier it’ll be.
I stopped overheating my hair
Speaking of washing my hair, I also want to use the blowdryer less on it. Only washing it 1-2 times a week definitely helps with this.
The less time I can use the blowdryer, the better as well. So to towel dry my hair I wrap it in a Towel Turbie. This will dry your hair much faster than a regular towel! I’ll leave this on while I do my make-up so by the time I go to blowdry my hair, a lot of the moisture is already gone.
When I blowdry my hair I’ll use 1 or 2 sprays to help protect it against damage. These sprays are It’s a 10 and OUAI Leave In Conditioner. I noticed OUAI Leave In Conditioner also really helps my hair stay the way I styled it.
Get OUAI Leave In Conditioner here!
A flat iron and curling iron used to be my daily go to. But now I try to use them twice a week max (if that). When I do use them, I’ll use the same sprays I mentioned above. Blowdrying my hair has helped me need to use these less and so has using a silk pillowcase. I love this silk pillowcase and it keeps my hair so smooth and how I went to bed with it. Another way I avoid needing to use heat on my hair is by using scrunchies to hold it up when I’m at the house. I used to always use regular hair-tyes but they give you that crease in your hair and you end up having to re-styling it afterward. That doesn’t happen with scrunchies!
Grab the silk pillowcase here!
That's It!
Those are all my tips to finally get long beautiful hair! My hair was SO SHORT forever especially after wearing extensions for over a year and being SO BLONDE so I hope this helps you get the locks you’ve always wanted.
August 16 2020
Hey Justina! I’ve never tried that! I need to update this article since I’ve switched to some cleaner products than some of the ones mentioned here! But yeah horse pills can definitely get old. Glad you found it helpful!
xoxo Azalee
August 16 2020
I agree, all those products are amazing! Did you ever try the Viviscal supplements? I did for a few months but over time I just hated taking the big horse tablets even though I saw results after a month or so.
Thanks for the info – jsk